Visions and experiences (especially experiences) are all right; but you cannot expect every vision to translate itself in a corresponding physical fact. Some do, the majority […]
The progress does not always come in the way that people expect. There is first a preparation within even for many years before such experiences come […]
The progress does not always come in the way that people expect. There is first a preparation within even for many years before such experiences come […]
Merely to have experiences of the higher consciousness will not change the nature. Either the higher consciousness has to make a dynamic descent into the whole […]
Q: What is exactly meant by “genuine experiences received directly from the Mother?” Could a sadhak here receive experiences indirectly or independently of the Mother? Directly […]
Q: How to explain the simultaneous occurrence of the experiences and depression? They take place in part of the being — the depression and struggle belong […]
You must not try to get experiences; you are not yet ready for them; instead of the right experience something abnormal comes. You must get your vital purified […]