On Education


The power of a concentrated attention

In sporting activities those who want to be successful choose a certain line or subject which appeals more to them and suits their nature; they concentrate […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Why do children have fear?

Q: Why do children have fear? Because they are weak. Physically they are weaker than the grown-ups around them and, generally, they are also weaker vitally […]
The Mother

Successful Teacher

PERSONALITY TRAITS OF A SUCCESSFUL TEACHER 1) Complete self-control not only to the extent of not showing any anger, but remaining absolutely quiet and undisturbed under […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Forcing one’s physical body

Mother, I have seen that I am not able to force my physical body to do a little better than my actual capacity. I would like […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Curbing anxiety

…the anxiety you speak of comes from the fact that you are far too busy with yourself. It would be far better for you to attend […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Developing one’s thought

Sweet Mother, You have said that I do not think well. How can one develop one’s thought? You must read with great attention and concentration, not […]
The Mother

Abolishing suffering

When men become pure enough to transmit the divine vibrations without distorting them, then suffering will be abolished from the world. That is the only way. […]

Life – a field of perpetual study

The true attitude is to take life as a field of perpetual study, where one must never stop learning and think that one knows everything there […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

First step on the way to be a True Man

Replace the ambition to be first by the will to do the best possible. Replace the desire for success by the yearning for progress. Replace the […]