अनन्तशक्त्यृद्धिमशेशमूर्तिं को वक्ष्यतीमां तव सर्वशक्ते ।
तेजस्त्वमेतद्वलिनां बलञ्च त्वं कोमलानामपि कोमलासि ॥ ८८॥
anantashaktyR^iddhimasheshamUrtiM ko vakShyatImAM tava sarvashakte |
tejastvametadvalinAM bala~ncha tvaM komalAnAmapi komalAsi || 88||
88. Who can support in himself thy plenitude of infinite Power in which all thy forms are manifest, O Goddess omnipotent? Thou art this blazing might and thou art the strength of the strong; thou art also the gentlest of the gentle.