कः क्षत्रबन्धुर्भवनेषु गूढो मद्येन कटाक्षैश्च विलासिनीनाम् ।
धर्मान्यशो दुर्बल विस्मृतोऽसि युध्यस्व भो वञ्चक रक्ष धर्मान् ॥ १९॥
kaH kShatrabandhurbhavaneShu gUDho madyena kaTAkShaishcha vilAsinInAm |
dharmAnyasho durbala vismR^ito.asi yudhyasva bho va~nchaka rakSha dharmAn || 19||
19. Who is this relative of Kshatriyas hiding in his palace with wine and the darting glances of voluptuous women? Your duty and honour have you forgotten in your weakness? Fight, hypocrite, and preserve the Dharma!
अस्त्येव लोहं निशितश्च खङ्गः क्रूरा शतघ्नी नदतीह मत्ता ।
कथं निरस्त्रोऽसि मृतोऽसि शेषे रक्ष स्वजातिं परहा भवार्यः ॥ २०॥
astyeva lohaM nishitashcha kha~NgaH krUrA shataghnI nadatIha mattA |
kathaM nirastro.asi mR^ito.asi sheShe rakSha svajAtiM parahA bhavAryaH || 20||
20. Iron there is and the sword is sharp; the cruel cannon bellows here in a drunken fury. How is it that you are unarmed? You lie as if dead! Protect your race, be Aryan and a slayer of your foes.
वैश्योऽसि कश्चेह विशः समृद्ध्यै धनं किमेतद्विपणीषु सज्जम् ।
म्लेच्छर्द्धिरेषा कुरुषे दरिद्रां मामेव कालीं खल मातृद्रोहिन् ॥ २१॥
vaishyo.asi kashcheha vishaH samR^iddhyai dhanaM kimetadvipaNIShu sajjam |
mlechCharddhireShA kuruShe daridrAM mAmeva kAlIM khala mAtR^idrohin || 21||
21. And what kind of Vaishya are you here? What goods are these arrayed in the market-places for the prospering of the people? This is the wealth of the foreign exploiter! You impoverish me, Kali, O vile traitor to your Mother!