सिन्धून्हिमाद्रिञ्च सुसौम्यभासा प्रकाशयन्ती सुदृढप्रतिष्ठा ।
तिष्ठ प्रसन्ना चिरमार्यभूमौ महाप्रतापे जगतो हिताय ॥ ९९॥
sindhUnhimAdri~ncha susaumyabhAsA prakAshayantI sudR^iDhapratiShThA |
tiShTha prasannA chiramAryabhUmau mahApratApe jagato hitAya || 99||
99. Illumining these rivers and snowy mountains with a mosti gentle lustre, be firmly established in the Aryan country. Abide forever gracious in this land, 0 Mighty One, for the good of the world!”