श्वेतानने विद्युदिवासि भूमौ रुषा प्रदीप्ते हि विलोचने ते ।
क्रीडन्त्यपाङ्गेषु करालहासाः शतह्रदेव स्तनयित्नुमध्ये ॥ ७७॥
shvetAnane vidyudivAsi bhUmau ruShA pradIpte hi vilochane te |
krIDantyapA~NgeShu karAlahAsAH shatahradeva stanayitnumadhye || 77||
77. When thy eyes flash with anger, O white-faced goddess, thou art like a streak of lightning fallen to earth; like lightning amid the thunderclouds thv dreadful laughter plays in the corners of thy eyes.