येषां सदैवात्मबलिप्रवृत्ताः शूरा महान्तः प्रमुखाः कुलार्थे ।
सौम्या कराली भवति प्रजानां रक्तेन पुष्टा विनिहन्ति शत्रून् ॥ २८॥
yeShAM sadaivAtmabalipravR^ittAH shUrA mahAntaH pramukhAH kulArthe |
saumyA karAlI bhavati prajAnAM raktena puShTA vinihanti shatrUn || 28||
28. Wheresoever are great heroes and leaders engaged in continual selfsacrifice for the good of their race, towards those nations does Kali grow gracious, nourished with blood, and they crush their enemies.