quiet mind


Getting to the realisation

If you keep a quiet mind and a constant contact with myself and the Mother and the true Light and Force, then things will become easy […]
Sri Aurobindo

What does a quiet mind mean?

Q: Does a quiet mind mean focusing attention one-pointedly on a particular subject? As for instance, while aspiring one should not allow any other thoughts than […]

Developing a quiet mind

To get rid of the random thoughts of the surface physical mind is not easy. It is sometimes done by a sudden miracle, as in my […]
Sri Aurobindo in his own room

Quiet Mind

A quiet mind is a mind that does not get disturbed, is not restless and always vibrating with the need of mental action. Ref: Guidance from […]

A double mind for Inner Quietitude

To get rid of the random thoughts of the surface physical mind is not easy. It is sometimes done by a sudden miracle as in my […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The way to get true inspiration

…if you want to get true inspiration, inner guidance, the guide, and if you want to have the force, to receive the force which will guide you and […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Being Perfectly Quiet

You must particularly not be violent, for if you are violent, you will come out of it tired, exhausted, without any result. You must concentrate all the forces […]