

The everlasting Divine Presence

I have had an interesting experience…. Not last night, but the night before, someone, whom I shall not name, told me, “I am wholly down in […]

Look Upward

I always look upward. Beauty, Peace, Light are there, they are ready to come down. So, always aspire and look up, in order to manifest them upon this […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Descent of Silence

What is trying to come down in you is the silence and peace of the Self—when that comes fully, then there is no ego-perception, it is […]
Sri Aurobindo in his room

Peace in the mind

There can be peace in the mind even when the vital is not quite at rest or peace in the inner being even if the surface is […]
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

Peace starts in the inner being

The peace starts in the inner being—it is spiritual and psychic but it overflows the outer being—when it is there in the activity, it means either […]

Basis of Yoga – Peace, Quiet, Clarity and self possession

It is not possible to make a fixed rule covering all cases and circumstances; sometimes one has to remain quiet waiting for the Mother’s light and force to […]
Wallpaper of Sri Aurobindo Ashram Mother

The Sadhana of inner concentration

…work also is sadhana, if done in the right attitude and spirit. The sadhana of inner concentration consists in: (1) Fixing the consciousness in the heart […]

The Lord’s Calm Assurance

WHAT has to be will be, what has to be done will be done. . . . What a calm assurance Thou hast put into my being, O […]

Excitement/Disturbance over petty things

Why get excited over these small things or let them disturb you? If you remain quiet, things will go much better and, if there is any […]