Q: How is fear to be conquered?
By mental strength, will and spiritual power. In my own case, whenever there was any fear, I used to do very thing I was afraid of, even if it brought the risk of a sudden death. Barin also had a lot of fear while he was carrying terrorist activities. But he too will compel himself to go on. When the death sentence was passed to him, he took it very cheerfully. Henry IV of France had a great physical fear, but by his will-power would force himself to rush into the thick of the battle and he became known as a great warrior. Napoleon and Caesar had no fear. Once when Caesar was fighting the forces of Pompey in Albania, his army was faring badly. He was at that time in Italy. He jumped into the sea, took a fisherman’s boat and asked him to carry him to Albania. On the way a storm arose and the fisherman was mortally afraid. Then Caesar said, “Why do you fear? You are carrying the fortunes of Caesar.”
I remember a sadhak saying, under an attack of hicoughing, “I shall die if it goes on.” I told him, “What does it matter if you die?” At once the hiccoughs stopped. Very often here fears and suggestions bring in the adverse forces which then catch hold of the person. By my blunt statement the sadhak realised his folly and perhaps didn’t allow any more suggestions.
– Sri Aurobindo