उद्दिश्य भूमिं द्रुमराजिनीलां शैलान्तरालेषु महत्सु दृश्याम् ।
कारुण्यमय्याः प्रसूतः करस्ते ददासि रुद्राण्यभयं प्रजानाम् ॥ ८२॥
uddishya bhUmiM drumarAjinIlAM shailAntarAleShu mahatsu dR^ishyAm |
kAruNyamayyAH prasUtaH karaste dadAsi rudrANyabhayaM prajAnAm || 82||
82. Pointing to a land dark with trees visible in the vast spaces between the mountains, thy hand is extended, O compassionate one, O Rudrani, granting freedom from fear to the peoples.
तत्संज्ञया ते करपल्लवस्य तमो विधूतं भुवि भारतानाम् ।
रक्तस्य मेघा नभसोऽपधूता अचिन्त्यवीर्यासि शुभासि सौम्या ॥ ८३॥
tatsaMj~nayA te karapallavasya tamo vidhUtaM bhuvi bhAratAnAm |
raktasya meghA nabhaso.apadhUtA achintyavIryAsi shubhAsi saumyA || 83||
83. By that sign of thy flowerlike hand the darkness is expelled from the land of the Bharatas. -h he clouds of blood vanish from the skies. Unthinkable is thy strength; beautiful thou art and gracious.
सौम्यं वपुस्ते हिमवर्णमार्यं सौम्यं भवान्या वदनं ह्युदारम् ।
शुक्लाम्बरां यौवनशुभ्रकान्तिं स्नेहार्द्रनेत्रां बलिनीं नमामि ॥ ८४॥
saumyaM vapuste himavarNamAryaM saumyaM bhavAnyA vadanaM hyudAram |
shuklAmbarAM yauvanashubhrakAntiM snehArdranetrAM balinIM namAmi || 84||
84. Gracious is thy noble form white as snow, gracious the exalted countenance of Bhavani; I bow to the Mighty One robed in white, radiant with the bright beauty of youth, her eyes moist with compassion.