स भ्रामयामस दृशं रजन्यां भ्रातृन्स तप्तस्तिमिरे विचिन्वन् ।
कङ्कालसाराणि ददर्श तानि शवानि तेषां करुणानि भूमौ ॥ ३४॥
sa bhrAmayAmasa dR^ishaM rajanyAM bhrAtR^insa taptastimire vichinvan |
ka~NkAlasArANi dadarsha tAni shavAni teShAM karuNAni bhUmau || 34||
34. I cast my glance about in the night, grieved, searching out my brothers in the shadows. Their corpses I saw on the ground, pitiable, reduced to skeletons.
तदा ददर्शासुरमेकमीशं किरीटिनं वज्रधरं महान्तम् ।
अश्रूणि रक्तौघशतानि मातुः संगृह्य पुष्णन्तमपत्यसंघान् ॥ ३५॥
tadA dadarshAsuramekamIshaM kirITinaM vajradharaM mahAntam |
ashrUNi raktaughashatAni mAtuH saMgR^ihya puShNantamapatyasaMghAn || 35||
35. Then did I see a lordly Titan, crowned, gigantic, bearing a thunderbolt, feeding the hordes of his offspring with the tears of the Mother mixed with a hundred streams of her blood.
पदा तुषाराद्रिमदीनसत्त्वं मृद्नन्तमन्ध्रानितरेण पौण्ड्रान् ।
प्रसारयन्तं करवालमुग्रं चीनावनौ पह्लवभूमिखण्डे ॥ ३६॥
padA tuShArAdrimadInasattvaM mR^idnantamandhrAnitareNa pauNDrAn |
prasArayantaM karavAlamugraM chInAvanau pahlavabhUmikhaNDe || 36||
36. Oppressing with one foot the invincible Himalaya, with the other the plains of Andhra and Paundra, he brandished a harsh sword over China and the land of the Pahlavas (Persia).