शूराः प्रगल्भाश्च हि शात्रवाणां स्पर्धालवं सोढुममर्षणास्ते ।
पूजां जनन्या रिपुभिः समाप्य रेजू रणान्ते रुधिराक्तदेहाः ॥ १४॥
shUrAH pragalbhAshcha hi shAtravANAM spardhAlavaM soDhumamarShaNAste |
pUjAM jananyA ripubhiH samApya rejU raNAnte rudhirAktadehAH || 14||
14. Heroic and bold, they would brook no hint of defiance from their foes. Worshipping the Mother with the sacrifice of her enemies, at battle’s end they stood radiant, their limbs anointed with blood.