आपूर्य विश्वं पशुवद्विरावैर्लेलिह्यमानाश्च हनू कराले ।
क्रूराञ्च नग्नां तमसीव चक्षुर्हिस्रस्य जन्तोर्जननीं ददर्श ॥ ७॥
ApUrya vishvaM pashuvadvirAvai- rlelihyamAnAshcha hanU karAle |
krUrA~ncha nagnAM tamasIva chakShu- rhisrasya jantorjananIM dadarsha || 7||
7. filling the world with bestial sounds and licking her terrible jaws, fierce and naked, like the eyes of a savage beast in the dark-thus did I see the Mother.