रक्ताक्तमेघा नभसीव तेपुः पपात चोर्व्यां रुधिरोग्रवृष्टिः ।
रक्तोदधौ रेजिर अद्रिसंघा वसुन्धरा रक्तमया बभासे ॥ ४६॥
raktAktameghA nabhasIva tepuH papAta chorvyAM rudhirogravR^iShTiH |
raktodadhau rejira adrisaMghA vasundharA raktamayA babhAse || 46||
46. Clouds stained with blood seemed to burn in the heavens and a fierce rain of blood fell upon the earth. The mountains rose up from a bloodred sea. All the land was as if turned to blood.
भीमो रजन्यामसुरो बलीयान् ममर्द सैन्यानि सुरप्रियाणाम् ।
जगर्ज चोन्मत्तमनाः सुरारिः को मे समः पुंस्विति रूढगर्वः ॥ ४७॥
bhImo rajanyAmasuro balIyAn mamarda sainyAni surapriyANAm |
jagarja chonmattamanAH surAriH ko me samaH puMsviti rUDhagarvaH || 47||
47. The mighty Titan, terrible in the night, was crushing the armies of the people beloved of the gods. Intoxicated with pride, the enemy of the gods thundered, “Who is there in the world who is equal to me?”
तदा तमिस्रामपसारयन्तं रक्तप्रकाशं दिवि बालसूर्यम् ।
शरोपमैर्घ्ननन्तमिवांशुभिस्तं प्रीतो ददर्शाहमुदग्ररश्मिम् ॥ ४८॥
tadA tamisrAmapasArayantaM raktaprakAshaM divi bAlasUryam |
sharopamairghnanantamivAMshubhistaM prIto dadarshAhamudagrarashmim || 48||
48. Then, repelling the darkness and piercing the adversary with beams like arrows, 1 saw with a thrill of gladness a rising sun that shed a ruddy glow in the heavens, casting its rays aloft.