Sri Aurobindo


Physical Siddhi

Q: Why does one rise and fall physically in meditation? It is not the physical but the vital body separating itself from the body. At one […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Healing by touch

 Q: It is said that Christ used to heal simply by a touch. Is it possible? Why not? There are many instances of such cures. Of […]

Resistance of the material world

Q: What do you mean by the resistance of the material world? Its impossibility of opening to something high, of conceiving something different from what it […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Establishing a sincere demand in the nervous and physical being

Q: Is it not very difficult to establish a sincere demand in the nervous and the physical being? Generally the physical is not insincere. In fact, […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Personalities and the past life

Q: Are the different personalities the result of one’s past life? There are other elements also; the personalities of past lives may be continued with what […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Mind

Q: How can a man get things done for him by the Higher Power unless the Higher Power becomes known to him or is, at least, […]
Sri Aurobindo

On spending money

Q: What is waste? Waste is waste. Throwing away money without any order, unorganised expenses without regard to the means of getting money or to the […]

The general atmosphere of humanity and Sadhana

Q: How can the general atmosphere of humanity affect the Sadhana of the individual or the group? You see all sorts of things come to you […]

Central Sincerity and Truth

Q: What is central sincerity? It is a very big question. You can say it is something in the central being which keeps to the call, […]