
Sri Aurobindo

Demand and Desire

Demand and desire are only two different aspects of the same thing—nor is it necessary that a feeling should be agitated or restless to be a […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Perfect Realisation

For a perfect realisation, the whole being must be illumined; but for the beginning of a realisation, it is probably easier for a body that does […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The nectar is the same…

Each religious sect has its own way of approaching the Divine and this is why Sri Aurobindo compares them to different pots. But he says: No […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram


Difficulties are sent to us exclusively to make the realisation more perfect. Each time we try to realise something and meet with a resistance or an […]
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

Practice what you read

It is a tale of ancient times, of what used to happen before there were printing presses and books, of the days when only the Guru […]
Sri Aurobindo in his room

Realising the Truths of the Hindu Religion

What happened to me during that period I am not impelled to say, but only this that day after day, He showed me His wonders and […]
Sri Aurobindo

What is Integral Yoga ?

It is the way of a complete God-realisation, a complete Self-realisation, a complete fulfilment of our being and consciousness, a complete transformation of our nature—and this […]