Mahasaraswati’s mission is to awaken the world to the need of perfection; but perfection itself belongs to the Supreme Lord alone; no one else can even […]
For man’s nature, especially his mental nature, has a spontaneous tendency to give a favourable explanation for everything he thinks, feels, says and does. It is […]
Virtue claims to seek perfection, but perfection is a totality. So the two movements contradict each other. A virtue that eliminates, reduces, fixes limits, and a […]
The aspiration must be for entire purification, especially (1) purification from sex, so that no sex imaginations may enter and the sex impulse may cease, (2) […]
A person may have certain qualities but not to perfection, and there is in the subconscient the very contradiction of these qualities. If one does not […]
Each morning when you get up, before you begin your day, with love and admiration and gratefulness hail this great family, these saviours of mankind who, […]