
Sri Aurobindo

Mixing with Others

It is true that mixing with others too closely tends to lower the condition, if they are not themselves in the right attitude and live very […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

An absolutely indispensable attitude

Sweet Mother, Each time I have encountered an obstacle in my life, each time I have been deprived of some happiness—some apparent happiness—a consolation has come […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram


When will men have the right attitude towards the Truth? When will they stop wandering about in vain, wasting their energy in useless struggles? Why don’t […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Not to be discouraged..

Q: Sweet Mother, when we make an effort to do better but don’t see any progress, we feel discouraged. What is the best thing to do? […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The right attitude

It is much more difficult to master one’s impulses quietly, composedly, and to prevent them from showing themselves—much more!—without taking ascetic measures. It is much more […]
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

The Divine’s attitude to Their children

You need not think that anything can alter our attitude towards you. That which is extended to you is not a vital human love which can […]

Outward Appearances

In fact, Mother, what is the yogi’s attitude towards the outward appearance? The usefulness of seeing clearly instead of being blind. The usefulness of no longer […]

To attain the right attitude

Q: To attain the right attitude, what principles should we follow in our dealing and behaviour with others? It seems to me that one should go […]

The right attitude for a Yogi

Q: If anything happens due to our negligence, can we call it sanctioned by the Divine? I said, “If you neglect the chain of intermediate causes.” […]