Q: Even the forces and their attacks are, perhaps, like the working of the left hand of God; it helps the Yogi to rise higher. With one hand He holds him up and with the other gives him a slap.
Yes, it is so. Even what are called hostile forces have to be known and seen as the working of God. If you see what is pushing them from behind you find it is not the hostile force but the divine Power.
But it is very dangerous to accept everything as the working of the Divine, saying, “All is the working of God”, like K who says evil and good are both equal. Everything is, in the last analysis, the working of the Divine, but you have not therefore to accept everything. It may not matter very much so long as you are on the mental plane, but on the vital plane if you accept everything as the working of the Divine you are sure to fall. It is a very dangerous movement because the Sadhaka may justify the play of lower impulses in him on the ground that they have a purpose to serve.
When one knows the hostile forces also as the working of the Divine, the left hand of God, then the movement of exhaustion of these forces is very quick.
– Sri Aurobindo