Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo

Transforming Sleep

You must not try to avoid sleep at night—if you persist in doing that, the bad results may not appear immediately, but the body will get […]

Symbol Moon

Once again thou hast climbed, O moon, like a white fire on the glimmering edge, Floating up, floating up from the haunted verge of a foam-tremulous […]

Psychic and Spiritual friendships

..each sadhak must have the direct inner contact with the Mother and rely on her for the spiritual help and progress. But there may be psychic […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Recognising the voice of the Adversary

There is always this critical hostile voice in everybody’s nature, questioning, reasoning, denying the experience itself, suggesting doubt of oneself and doubt of the Divine. One […]

Overcoming the forces of illness

They [the forces of illness] first weaken or break through the nervous envelope, the aura. If that is strong and whole, a thousand million germs will […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Different ways to the same goal – Sadhana

You forget that men differ in nature and therefore each will approach the sadhana in his own way—one through work, one through bhakti, one through meditation […]

Who should do Yoga?

The way to realise is through a quiet mind and a vital free from desires. To reject the desires and demands of the vital and to […]
Sri Aurobindo

Conditions for practising Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga

The first conditions of this Yoga are: (1) A complete sincerity and surrender in the being. The divine life and the transformation of the lower human […]

The assurance of the Lord

Let my Peace be always with you. Let your mind be calm and open; let your vital nature be calm and responsive; let your physical consciousness […]