Sri Aurobindo


Bhavani Bharati Verses 1 to 3

सुखे निमग्नः शयने यदासं मधोश्च रथ्यासु मनस्चचार । स चिन्तयामास कुलानि काव्यं दारांश्च भोगांश्च सुखं धनानि ॥ १॥ sukhe nimagnaH shayane yadAsaM madhoshcha rathyAsu manaschachAra | […]

Bhavani Bharati – An Introduction

Bhavani Bharati is Sri Aurobindo’s only poem in Sanskrit, written between 1904 and 1908. It has 99 verses in the “Upajati” metre which is an apt choice […]
Sri Aurobindo

Handling Emotional nature

Emotion is a good element in yoga; but emotional desire becomes easily a cause of perturbation and an obstacle. Turn your emotions towards the Divine, aspire […]
The Mother

An important reminder for Difficult Times

All the difficulties are bound to vanish in time under the action of the Force. They rise, because if they did not rise the action would […]

Ahimsa ? Destruction ?

There is a truth in Ahimsa, there is a truth in destruction also. I do not teach that you should go on killing everybody every day […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Beware of three fundamental obstacles in Sadhana

There are only three fundamental obstacles that can stand in the way: 1) Absence of faith or insufficient faith. 2) Egoism—the mind clinging to its own […]

An important reminder to the self

Remind yourself always that the Divine Force is there, that you have felt it and that, even if you seem to lose consciousness of it for […]
Sri Aurobindo

Dispersion and Sadhana

Dispersion and sadhana are two things that cannot go together. In sadhana one has to have a control over the mind and all its actions; in […]

Sri Aurobindo and The Mother on Lord Ganesh

Ganesh is at once the god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles. Ganesh is the devata of spiritual Knowledge… – Sri Aurobindo  (Ref: Letters on Yoga […]