Q: How can a man get things done for him by the Higher Power unless the Higher Power becomes known to him or is, at least, partly realised?
If it is known by the mind, then, like all mental realisations, it gets mixed up. Mind divides, infers, conceives and then lays down mental standard for the Divine. It dictates to God that He shall satisfy mental standards. Mind is not the entire consciousness, it is partial. Mind is, again, arrogant and believes that it is the highest instrument, the master or even king of the universe. It has the error of false knowledge, it is limited to partial light.
The Vital mind is rampagious; it wants to do things, it is violent. It says: “Yes, I surrender, but I want God to do this.” It does not say it does not want to surrender. The physical mind is obscure and dull. In the vital, almost unconsciously to oneself, one tries to make a show — there is a tendency to pretension.
In the ideal case one is ready to admit one’s own defects and be on guard to watch with spiritual humility. But all these things make the Higher Power’s working very difficult in the lower nature. Therefore we insist so much on sincerity in this yoga. It is the psychic being which has no such pretensions because it knows and can surrender to the Divine. It is therefore that in our yoga the awakening of the psychic being is so important. That alone gives one the psychic tact which steers clear of all difficulties.
– Sri Aurobindo