
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

How does true repose comes?

The minute one stops going forward, one falls back. The moment one is satisfied and no longer aspires, one begins to die. Life is movement, it […]
The Mother Mirra Alfassa of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Widening the mental consciousness

The lightness, the feeling of the disappearance of the head and that all is open is a sign of the wideness of the mental consciousness which […]
Sri Aurobindo


Everything, everything is getting disorganised, everything is getting disorganised. One sees very well, however, that the disorganisation is moving towards a higher organisation, that is to […]

Progress lies in widening

Progress lies in widening, not in restriction. There must be a bringing together of all points of view by putting each one in its true place, […]