
Sri Aurobindo


Suffering is not inflicted as a punishment for sin or for hostility—that is a wrong idea. Suffering comes like pleasure and good fortune as an inevitable […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Pleasure, Joy, Happiness , Ecstasy and Ananda

Sweet Mother, What is the difference between pleasure, joy, happiness, ecstasy and Ananda? Can we find one in the other? Ananda belongs to the Supreme Lord. […]

A detached delight

…Delight without detachment would be a very dangerous gift which could very easily be perverted. So, to seek Delight before having acquired detachment does not seem […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Work with Joy

Always do with pleasure the work you have to do. Work done with joy is work done well. Ref: Some Answers from The Mother