The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Past Lessons

So long as you have not learned the lesson the past had to teach you, it comes back on you. Notice carefully what kind of remembrances […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Getting rid of the past

Please tell me how I can get rid of the past, which clings so heavily. To get rid of the past is something so difficult that […]
Divine Feet of The Mother

Remembering Past Lives

Sweet Mother, How is it possible to remember one’s past lives? It is through contact with the psychic that one gets fragmentary memories of past lives—the […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Getting rid of the past

Q: Please tell me how I can get rid of the past, which clings so heavily. To get rid of the past is something so difficult […]
The Mother with Letters on The Mother

The past personality

Q: How does the psychic carry the personality formed in this life into another? After death it gathers its elements and carries them onwards to another […]

Purpose of the past

All the past should always be simply like a stepping-stone or a ladder, something to lead you farther; it should not have any other use except […]

Concentrate on what you want to be

Whatever may be the past, whatever may be the faults committed, whatever the ignorance in which one might have lived, one carries deep within oneself the supreme purity […]

Concentrate only on what you want to be

Whatever may be the past, whatever may be the faults committed, whatever the ignorance in which one might have lived, one carries deep within oneself the […]