
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

A common mistake

Is it possible to know the divine will without having any experience of the divine Reality, without rising to the intuitive consciousness or entering into the […]

Reasons for not being able to meditate

Q: What are the causes for not being able to meditate? Because one has not learnt to do it. Why, suddenly you take a fancy: today […]
The Mother taking classes in Playground at Sri Aurobindo Ashram Puducherry

Divine Disgust

Sweet Mother, what is a “divine disgust”? Ah, my child! (Silence) It is a disgust that is full of a total compassion. It is something that […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Right attitude towards mistake

Do not allow yourself to be worried or upset by small things. Look at things from an inner point of view and try to get the […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Do not worry

Do not worry about mistakes in work. Often you imagine that things are badly done by you when really you have done them very well; but […]
The Mother with Tara Jauhar

Real repentance

The truth is that when you ask forgiveness you hope that the dire consequences of what you have done will be wiped away. But that is […]

Opening one’s exterior being to the soul

I never look at mistakes and faults. I only look at the soul, the psychic being, for it to come to the surface and take lead […]