
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Three Fundamental Obstacles

There are only three fundamental obstacles that can stand in the way: 1) Absence of faith or insufficient faith. 2) Egoism—the mind clinging to its own […]
Sri Aurobindo

Nature of Human Physical Consciousness

A certain inertia, tendency to sleep, indolence, unwillingness or inability to be strong to work or spiritual effort for long at a time, is in the […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Mental Laziness and Inertia

Sweet Mother, How can one get out of this mental laziness and inertia? By wanting to do so, with persistence and obstinacy. By doing every day […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Mental Inertia

Sweet Mother, Are mental indifference and lack of curiosity a sort of mental inertia? Usually they are due to mental inertia, unless one has obtained this […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

An important advice

I have been feeling uneasy, tired and depressed since this morning. I spend a lot of time in a state of inertia, I am not sincere […]

Getting out of mental laziness and inertia

Q: Sweet Mother, How can one get out of this mental laziness and inertia? By wanting to do so, with persistence and obstinacy. By doing every […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Beware of three fundamental obstacles in Sadhana

There are only three fundamental obstacles that can stand in the way: 1) Absence of faith or insufficient faith. 2) Egoism—the mind clinging to its own […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Mental Indifference and Lack of curiousity

Sweet Mother, Are mental indifference and lack of curiosity a sort of mental inertia? Usually they are due to mental inertia, unless one has obtained this […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

What to do when sinking of consciousness happens?

An occasional sinking of the consciousness happens to everybody. The causes are various, some touch from outside, something not yet changed or not sufficiently changed in […]