
Divine Feet of The Mother

An unshaken confidence – dispels all discomfort and disease

Whatever the character of the experience you have, you must give no room to fear; you must keep an unshaken confidence and feel that whatever happens […]

Fasting and cure

Q: Can fasting cure diseases too? Yes, if you know the process. That’s why Europeans fast. Sometimes it is the mental idea that works. You start […]
Sri Aurobindo

The Prevention of Illness

Attacks of illness are attacks of the lower nature or of adverse forces taking advantage of some weakness, opening or response in the nature,—like all other […]

Don’t Fear

You must not fear. Most of your troubles come from fear. In fact, ninety per cent of illnesses are the result of the subconscient fear of […]

The will to be cured

It is usually when the body is convinced that it has been given the conditions under which it must be all right; it takes the resolution […]