Q: Is it possible for man to draw the vital energy from animals? My grandfather used to say that he got vital energy from the horse he used to ride every day.
Yes, it is possible. You can even draw it from man without riding him. But the easier process is to draw the vital energy from the universal vital plane. It is there all around you. There are two methods of drawing it: one is you exert your force and draw the vital energy from the universal, the other is to be passive and to allow it to flow into you. Formerly, I used to draw it. But nowadays I merely allow it to flow, remaining open to it.
Q: Is it easier to draw vital energy from man than from the universal?
It is not so easy as you think. There are conditions for drawing it from a man or supplying it to another man. But it is much more easy to draw it from the universal. The one fact is that in man the vital energy is limited, while the universal is inexhaustible. If you supply your vital force to another man you would be exhausted if you don’t draw it from the universal.
– Sri Aurobindo