I have been feeling for quite some time that I should limit my outward activity and confine myself to quiet work where I have not to do much running about.
I am facing some kind of inner crisis. My life is becoming aimless. A persistent dream warns me of my inner instability. It is my urgent necessity that I should achieve inner poise and stability. The obscurity and heavy inertia must diminish.
If the Mother would permit me I would like to be free from my department work. However I shall do as the Mother directs me. Kindly guide me.
If you leave the department, the work will be ruined! As soon as I have a moment free I shall call you in the morning and we shall talk it over.
The more I grow, the more I know that it is in work that Sri Aurobindo’s integral yoga is best done.
Love and blessings.
9 October 1966
Ref : Words of The Mother Vol. II