psychic being

Sri Aurobindo in his room

How to handle thoughts about past and future?

Take with you the peace and quietude and joy and keep it by remembering always the Divine. If the thoughts about the past and the future […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Soul and Psychic Being

Sweet Mother, What exactly is the soul or psychic being? And what is meant by the evolution of the psychic being? What is its relation to […]
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

The Mother’s Presence

If you feel the Mother’s presence for the greater part of the day, it means that it is your psychic being that is active and feels […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Materially you are nothing, spiritually you are everything

Sweet Mother, I would like to have the explanation of a sentence. Sri Aurobindo has said somewhere, “Materially you are nothing, spiritually you are everything.” That […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Signs of Psychic Being

By what signs can one tell that the psychic being has come to the surface? One feels peaceful and happy, full of trust, full of a […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Psychic Being – How to Connect?

Sweet Mother, You wrote to me that it is not easy to come in contact with the psychic being. Why do You consider it difficult? How […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The action of the higher Force on the consciousness

Q: When a sadhak works with the right attitude and the higher Force acts in him directly, how does the Force work to purify or remove […]
Sri Aurobindo in his own room

Psychic Mind and Spiritual Mind

When the mind is turned towards the Divine and the Truth and feels and responds to that only or mainly, it can be called a psychic […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Self

Q: What is called one’s self (not the soul or the psychic being) above the head? Is it individual or universal? I mean, is one’s self […]