
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Why Gloom and Difficulties

The gloom and other difficulties come from a resistance of inertia in the lower vital and physical consciousness. What you have to do is to prepare […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Stepping Back

Most of you live on the surface of your being, exposed to the touch of external influences. You live almost projected, as it were, outside your […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram


Oh, let Light be poured on all the earth and Peace inhabit every heart…. Almost all know only the material life heavy, inert, conservative, obscure; their […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Seeking Peace

My little Mother, I want peace. I feel that everything is unquiet. Mother, give me peace. My child, I envelop you always in peace and force, […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Feeling Insulted

Sweet Mother, How can people insult me so easily, I wonder. Is it that my features are lacking in vigour? Is it that I am scornful […]
Sri Aurobindo

The Double Consciousness

The condition you describe in your work shows that the inner being is awake and that there is now the double consciousness. It is the inner […]
Sri Aurobindo

Getting rid of random thoughts

To get rid of the random thoughts of the surface physical mind is not easy. It is sometimes done by a sudden miracle, as in my […]
Sri Aurobindo

Interest in outward things – Is it Wrong?

To be interested in outward things is not wrong in itself—it depends on the way in which one is interested. If it is done as part […]
Sri Aurobindo in his room

How to handle thoughts about past and future?

Take with you the peace and quietude and joy and keep it by remembering always the Divine. If the thoughts about the past and the future […]