

Getting out of mental laziness and inertia

Q: Sweet Mother, How can one get out of this mental laziness and inertia? By wanting to do so, with persistence and obstinacy. By doing every […]

Getting rid of Inertia, Ego and Desire

Q: Why don’t the inertia, ego and desire decrease in spite of our sustained effort to change them? It needs time, persistent will and effort and […]

Resistance and Inertia at the physical level

Q: Today I tried to take a walk. It was so tiring that my right leg ached! I had to suspend my normal painting work! All […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The will to rise

Q: Rising above, one rarely thinks of bringing anything down oneself. For one always thinks it is enough if one can dwell there up above and […]

Dealing with an obstinate inertia

Q: How is one to deal with such an obstinate inertia? The first means is not to get upset when it comes or when it stays. […]
Sri Aurobindo

Consciousness and Energy

During work, how is the consciousness to be kept within when the energy goes out? Are consciousness and energy really the same thing? If consciousness and […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

On the lower nature and tamas

Q: During the movement of transformation, I find the lower nature has a freer play in the emptiness than in the fullness. In all, the lower […]

Are consciousness and energy the same?

Q: During work , how is the consciousness to be kept within when the energy goes out? Are consciousness and energy really the same thing? If […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Eliminating ego

Q: In spite of my vigilant eye how on earth could the ego get in? So long as you had fully the attitude of surrender, the […]