
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Ascetic Methods for Self mastery

Mother, for self-mastery are not the ascetic methods useful sometimes? No! You cure nothing. You only give yourself the illusion that you have progressed, but you […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Three things to shorten Difficulty

There are three things you can do to alleviate and shorten the difficulty: 1) Detach yourself from this vital-physical—observe it as something not yourself; reject it, […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The right attitude

It is much more difficult to master one’s impulses quietly, composedly, and to prevent them from showing themselves—much more!—without taking ascetic measures. It is much more […]
Sri Aurobindo

The nature of thoughts, desires and impulses

Q: May I know the nature of thoughts, desires and impulses? How and why do they come into men? This is a thing one feels: one […]
The Mother with Letters on The Mother

Being reasonable

..before one reaches a higher state of consciousness, there is a stage where one can develop in oneself the faculty of reason — a clear, precise, […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Progress and temperament

There are some who are solid and tenacious in their vital, it is they who can be steady – others are more mercurial and easily moved […]
Sri Aurobindo

The world exists for ananda

It is for ananda that the world exists; for joy that the Self puts Himself into the great and serious game of life; and the joy which He […]