

Establishing universal harmony

Q: What is the most useful work to be done at the present moment? A: The general aim to be attained is the advent of a […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Suffering not a requisite for progress

…a day will come when this apparent suffering will no longer be required to stimulate the advance and when progress can be made more and more […]

Harmony of the poles of our existence

The whole process of Nature depends on a balancing and a constant tendency to harmony between two poles of life, the individual whom the whole or aggregate nourishes and […]
Sri Aurobindo

Harmony of the being

The being is made up of many parts. One part may know, the other may not care for the knowledge or act according to it. The […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

What helps in growth to the Divine?

You can at least know that anger, jealousy, envy, restlessness, despair, indolence etc. are not divine things and that purity, peace, harmony, zeal, unselfishness etc., are […]
Sri Aurobindo's Feet

True Sincerity

When you are absolutely sincere, you make a constant effort to live in harmony with the highest ideal of your being, the truth of your being. […]

Remember to be grateful for the Divine Grace

People are not aware of the workings of Grace except when there has been some danger,that is, when there has been the beginning of an accident […]

Realisation of harmony in our existence

Upon earth, each human being has his own way of seeing and feeling things, and as no two of these ways are the same, each one […]


For Sri Aurobindo “coincidences” do not exist. All that happens is the result of the action of the Divine Consciousness. The Force which is at work […]