
Sri Aurobindo

Fatigue in the Course of Sadhana

(1) It may come from receiving more than the physical is ready to assimilate. The cure is then a quiet rest in conscious immobility receiving the […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram with Dyuman

The rule of Work

Think of your work only when it is being done, not before and not after. Do not let your mind go back on a work that […]
Sri Aurobindo

Headache and Fatigue

The headache and the fatigue is always a sign that the consciousness no longer wants this outward-going thought and speech and is even physically strained by […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram with Dyuman

Bodily Fatigue in Sleep

Please tell me what kind of tiring things I have been doing in my sleep. Bodily fatigue is a physical rendering of certain activities and contacts […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Complete freedom from Fatigue

In the ordinary condition of the body if you oblige the body to do too much work, it can do with the support of vital force. […]

Energy and work

Q: At one time I also used to feel a lot of energy while working with the Mother and I was never fatigued even when working […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

On Sleep

Q: I fail to make out why my feet remain constantly fatigued even after sleep. Is not sleep a means to relax everything? I think you […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram with Dyuman

The Force and restlessness

Q: Why does not the Force come down to help me in the work? I am getting restless. So long as you are in this restless […]

Fatigue in the vital being

Q: Can the vital being get fatigued?  Generally the vital being does not get fatigued, if you can draw the force from the universal vital or […]