Virtue claims to seek perfection, but perfection is a totality. So the two movements contradict each other. A virtue that eliminates, reduces, fixes limits, and a […]
These things [the removal of vital demand and ego] cannot be done in that way [by a direct higher action]. For transformation to be genuine, the difficulty has […]
These violent fits of despair or revolt because of trivial difficulties like this are not the right way of meeting them (difficult situations). Mother had not […]
The obstacle which the physical presents to the spiritual is no argument for the rejection of the physical; for in the unseen providence of things our […]
Never for an instant vacillate in the belief that the mighty work of change taken up by Sri Aurobindo is going to culminate in success. For that indeed […]
Q: When will all our difficulties be over? A: That cannot be said. The difficulties are not likely to cease until the material resistance has been entirely […]
“My children, if you are doing something difficult, call me, call me.” No, not in order to come first or gain a victory, but so that nothing unpleasant […]