
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Transformative Silence

In fact, if one reads attentively what Sri Aurobindo has written, all that he has written, one would have the answer to every question. But there […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Rising above the cyclone

Instead of falling asleep in an easy quietude and letting things happen according to their own rhythm, if one strains to the utmost one’s will, ardour, […]

Judging people

Judging people is one of the first things which must be totally swept away from the consciousness before you can take even a step on the […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Self-perception and the Divine perception of oneself

There is a tremendous difference between what you know about yourself and what I know about you. What I know about you is obviously what you […]

Empowered Consciousness: Uniting Awareness and Will for a Transformative Change

Consciousness is made up of two elements, awareness of self and things and forces and conscious power. Awareness is the first thing necessary, you have to […]
The Mother

Is World Real?

Sri Aurobindo affirms..that behind all appearances, even the most illusory, there is a truth, a conscious will that presides over the unfolding of the universe. In […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram


One can never have the same experience twice because one is never the same person twice. Between the first experience and the second, even if one […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Progressive Perfection

In time and space no two human beings have the same consciousness, and the sum of all these consciousnesses is but a partial and diminished manifestation […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The cause of illnesses and accidents

Q: Sweet Mother, Are illnesses and accidents the result of something bad one has thought or done, of a fall in one’s consciousness? If the cause […]