The psychic self-control that is desirable in these surroundings and in the midst of discussion would mean among other things: (1) Not to allow the impulse […]
Patience, strength, courage, calm and indomitable energy…. Let the mind learn to be silent, let it not be eager to profit immediately by the forces which […]
The method of the Divine Manifestation is through calm and harmony, not through a catastrophic upheaval. The latter is the sign of a struggle, generally of […]
Sweet Mother, Are mental indifference and lack of curiosity a sort of mental inertia? Usually they are due to mental inertia, unless one has obtained this […]
In the human consciousness everything is very slow. When we compare the time that is necessary to realise something with the average length of human existence, it seems […]
Let your faith be pure, candid and perfect. An egoistic faith in the mental and vital being tainted by ambition, pride, vanity, mental arrogance, vital self-will, […]
Q: Sweet Mother, Are mental indifference and lack of curiosity a sort of mental inertia? Usually they are due to mental inertia, unless one has obtained […]