
Sri Aurobindo

Affinity to Sufferings

When we no longer have any affinity with suffering and are cured of all perverse attachment to it, the Divine will help us to discover that […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram


Bliss contains coolness and warmth, passivity and activity, repose and action, sweetness and tenderness, all at the same time. Divine tenderness … is something very different […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Difficulties and sufferings: a creation of human ignorance

First of all, one should know that the intellect, the mind, can understand nothing of the Divine, neither what He does nor how He does it […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The value of an experience

In fact, the value of an experience or a discovery could perhaps be proved by the power it gives, the power to change these appearances and […]

Go on with cheer and confidence

There is no reason certainly for despair. The bliss always comes in drops at first, or a broken trickle. You have to go on cheerfully and in full […]