
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Difference between Aspiration and Demand

What is the difference between aspiration and a demand? When you have experienced both, you can easily make the distinction. In aspiration there is what I […]
Sri Aurobindo

Quarrels and Jealousy

I do not see why you make such a big difference between the quarrels and jealousy over other women and quarrels and jealousy over other attractions […]
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

A Prayer

Thou hast taken entire possession of this miserable instrument and if it is not yet perfected enough for Thee to complete its transformation, its transmutation, Thou […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

You are sure to advance …

All the psychological qualities can be cultivated as the muscles are—by regular, daily exercise. Above all, turn towards the Divine Force in a sincere aspiration and […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Resistance and Insufficient Receptivity

The resistance you speak of and the insufficient receptivity and the inability to continue in communion while doing work must all be due to some part […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram with Dyuman

Fire of Aspiration

Mother, what must I do so that the fire of aspiration never goes out? One keeps this fire lit by throwing into it all one’s difficulties, […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Descent of Faith

What are the conditions in which there is a descent of faith? The most important condition is an almost childlike trust, the candid trust of a […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Establishing Quietitude

When one aspires for something, if at the same time one knows that the aspiration will be heard and answered in the best way possible, that […]
Sri Aurobindo

Simple Aspiration

What you say is quite true. A simple, straight and sincere call and aspiration from the heart is the one important thing and more essential and […]