
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

How to control Temper?

If you have a serious difficulty in your character, for example, the habit of losing your temper, and you decide: “I must not get angry again”, […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Reason of Anger

Sweet Mother, Why does anger exist? I suppose you are asking where anger comes from. Anger is a violent reaction of the vital to some shock […]

Why does anger exist?

Q: Sweet Mother, Why does anger exist? I suppose you are asking where anger comes from. Anger is a violent reaction of the vital to some […]
Sri Aurobindo

Anger and Strife – What’s the Solution ?

It is true that anger and strife are in the nature of the human vital and do not go easily; but what is important is to […]
The Mother at Ayurvedic Section


Q: Sweet Mother, Why does anger exist? I suppose you are asking where anger comes from. Anger is a violent reaction of the vital to some […]
Sri Aurobindo

Beware of vital forces and their suggestions

Vital forces can attack the mind and do. Many receive suggestions from them through the brain, so it is quite possible that it may be felt […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Rejecting Anger

Q: I have been trying to control anger for such a long time but when the moment comes I am simply carried away. That is because […]

Reasons for anger

Q: Even in the absence of justifiable reasons why do people become angry? People do not get angry for reasons, but because of their ego. – […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Dealing with anger

…many people have the tendency to fly into a rage—suddenly it takes possession of them. Pouff! They get terribly angry. It is here that one must […]