Darshan Card – 5th December 2019 (Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi Day)
12/05/2019On Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi
We must not be bewildered by appearances. Sri Aurobindo has not left us. Sri Aurobindo is here, as living and as present as ever and it is left to us to realise his work with all the sincerity, eagerness and concentration necessary.-The Mother
We stand in the Presence of Him who has sacrificed his physical life in order to help more fully his work of transformation.
He is always with us, aware of what we are doing, of all our thoughts, of all our feelings and all our actions. -The Mother
When I asked Him (December 8, 1950) to resuscitate his body, He clearly answered: “I have left this body purposely. I will not take it back. I shall manifest again in the first supramental body built in the supramental way.” -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo has given up his body in an act of supreme unselfishness, renouncing the realisation in his own body to hasten the hour of the collective realisation. Surely if the earth were more responsive, this would not have been necessary. -The Mother
Since the beginning of earth history, Sri Aurobindo has always presided over the great earthly transformations, under one form or another, one name or another. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo is constantly among us and reveals himself to those who are ready to see and hear him. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo is in the subtle physical, you can meet him when you sleep, if you know how to go there. -The Mother
The help of Sri Aurobindo is constant: it is for us to know how to receive it. -The Mother
Lord, this morning Thou hast given me the assurance that Thou wouldst stay with us until Thy work is achieved, not only as a consciousness which guides and illumines but also as a dynamic Presence in action. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo is always with us, enlightening, guiding, protecting. We must answer to his grace by a perfect faithfulness. -The Mother
…Thou hast promised that all of Thyself would remain here and not leave the earth atmosphere until earth is transformed. -The Mother
Grant that we may be worthy of this marvellous Presence and that henceforth everything in us be concentrated on the one will to be more and more perfectly consecrated to the fulfilment of Thy sublime Work. -The Mother
All that he has said is perfectly true and remains so. Time and the course of events will prove it abundantly. -The Mother
To grieve is an insult to Sri Aurobindo who is here with us, conscious and alive. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo was not compelled to leave his body, he chose to do so for reasons so sublime that they are beyond the reach of human mentality. -The Mother
People do not know what a tremendous sacrifice Sri Aurobindo has made for the world. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo belongs to the future; he is the messenger of the future. He still shows us the way to follow in order to hasten the realisation of a glorious future fashioned by the Divine Will. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo is always present.
Be sincere and faithful.
This is the first condition.
Blessings. -The Mother
The best homage we can pay to Sri Aurobindo is to prepare for the advent of the Supramental race. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo came to tell the world of the beauty of the future that must be realised. -The Mother
He ( Sri Aurobindo) came to give not a hope but a certitude of the splendour towards which the world moves. The world is not an unfortunate accident, it is a marvel which moves towards its expression. -The Mother
The world needs the certitude of the beauty of the future. And Sri Aurobindo has given that assurance. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo came to tell us how to find Thee and how to serve Thee. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo gave his life so that we may be born into the Divine Consciousness. -The Mother
To understand his (Sri Aurobindo) teaching better and try to put it into practice, is certainly the best way of showing our gratitude to him for all the light, knowledge and force which he has so generously brought to the earth. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo does not belong to a country but to the whole earth. His teaching leads us towards a better future. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo came upon earth to announce the manifestation of the supramental world and not merely did he announce this manifestation but embodied also in part the supramental force and showed by example what one must do to prepare oneself for manifesting it. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo is an emanation of the Supreme who came on earth to announce the manifestation of a new race and a new world: the Supramental.
Let us prepare for it in all sincerity and eagerness. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo has given us the spiritual teaching which teaches us to come in direct contact with the Divine. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo shows us the way towards a glorious future. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo’s message is an immortal sunlight radiating over the future. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo came on earth from the Supreme to announce the manifestation of a new race and the new world, the Supramental.
Let us prepare for it in all sincerity and eagerness. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo came to announce the creation of tomorrow: the coming of the supramental being. -The Mother
Sri Aurobindo’s work is a unique earth-transformation. -The Mother
Never for an instant vacillate in the belief that the mighty work of change taken up by Sri Aurobindo is going to culminate in success. -The Mother
He (Sri Aurobindo )represents for us something we formulate to ourselves with words which seem to us the most exact for expressing our experience. These words are evidently the best according to us for formulating our experience. -The Mother
…what Sri Aurobindo represents in the world’s history, is not a teaching, not even a revelation; it is a decisive action direct from the Supreme. -The Mother
How beautiful is the day when one can offer one’s devotion to Sri Aurobindo. -The Mother
You must feel that Sri Aurobindo is looking at you. -The Mother
His Grace is always with those who want to progress and realise the Truth of tomorrow. -The Mother
The vast, calm, simplicity of his forehead, reflecting the perfect peace of total knowledge. -The Mother
Let us make an effort to realise the ideal of life that He has marked out for us.-The Mother
Sri Aurobindo has revealed to us a few of the marvels that the future will bring to the earth and has encouraged us to prepare ourselves for it. -The Mother
O, my Lord, my Lord!
What you want of me, let me be.
What you want me to do, let me do. -The Mother
O Lord, awaken my entire being that it may be for Thee the needed instrument, the perfect servant. -The Mother
To Him I have surrendered all, will, life, self; for Him I am ready to give all my blood, drop by drop, if such is His Will, with complete joy; and nothing in His service can be sacrifice, for all is perfect delight. -The Mother
Open to Sri Aurobindo’s consciousness and let it transform your life. -The Mother
Some day surely
The world too shall be saved from death by love.