O Eternal Master, Thou art in all things like a vivifying breath, a sweet peace, a sun of luminous love piercing the clouds of darkness.
Grant that we may be Thy vivifying breath, Thy sweet peace, Thy luminous love upon the earth amidst our ignorant and sorrowful human brothers.
O divine Master, accept the offering of all myself as a holocaust that Thy work may be accomplished and the time may not pass by in vain.
In a serene ecstasy I give myself to Thee, that Thou mayst once again become the Master of what is Thine, the possessor of Thyself in each one of the countless atoms and in the consciousness that is synthetic and one.
O divine Master, accept this offering, this complete holocaust that the time may not have come in vain.
My whole being is transformed into a living flame, a flame of sacrifice of pure love.
Become once again the king of Thy kingdom, deliver the earth from the heavy weight which is crushing it, the weight of its own inert, ignorant, and obscure ill will.
O my sweet Master, my being is ablaze with the ardent flame of the sacrifice of love: accept my offering that the obstacle may be overcome.
Ref : Prayers and Meditations