On Darshan days, Sri Aurobindo Ashram distributes message cards called Darshan cards containing passages from Sri Aurobindo’s or The Mother’s works to all who attend the Darshan. Today is the 142nd birth anniversary of The Mother and the following card is distributed by Sri Aurobindo Ashram to the devotees.
Darshan Day message – 21 February 2020
“When you have nothing to do, you become restless, you run about, you meet friends, you take a walk, to speak only of the best; I am not referring to things that are obviously not to be done. Instead of that, sit down quietly before the sky, before the sea or under trees, whatever is possible … and try to realise one of these things – to understand why you live, to learn how you must live, to ponder over what you want to do and what should be done, what is the best way of escaping from the ignorance and falsehood and pain in which you live.”
-The Mother