Prayers and Meditations

The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Having needs

There is a sovereign royalty in taking no thought for oneself. To have needs is to assert a weakness; to claim something proves that we lack […]
Prayers and Meditations

The calm assurance of the Divine

WHAT has to be will be, what has to be done will be done. . . . What a calm assurance Thou hast put into my being, O […]
Prayers and Meditations

The Divine is the motive and the goal

Errors have become stepping-stones, the blind gropings conquests. Thy glory transforms defeats into victories of eternity, and all the shadows have fled before Thy radiant light. It is Thou […]

The Most Difficult Thing

To be at once a passive and perfectly pure mirror, turned simultaneously without and within, to the results of the manifestation and the sources of this […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry

The beginning of a new stage

I feel we have entered the very heart of Thy sanctuary and grown aware of Thy very will. A great joy, a deep peace reign in […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Let Thy Will be done

O LORD, let Thy Will be done, Thy work be accomplished. Fortify our devotion, increase our surrender, give us light upon the path. We erect Thee within […]
Stairs to the room at playground of Sri Aurobindo Ashram where The Mother met Sri Aurobindo for the first time

Entrusting the weak to the Divine

Pondicherry, March 29, 1914  O THOU whom we must know, understand, realise, absolute Consciousness, eternal Law, Thou who guidest and illuminest us, who movest and inspirest us, grant […]