WHAT has to be will be, what has to be done will be done. . . .
What a calm assurance Thou hast put into my being, O Lord. Who or what will manifest Thee? Who can say it yet? . . . In all things that strive towards a new, ever higher and completer expression, Thou art present. But the centre of the light is still not manifested, for the centre of manifestation is not yet perfectly adapted.
O divine Master, that which has to be will be and it will perhaps be very different from what all expect. . . .
But how is it possible to express certain silent secrets?
The force is here; in it is the self.
When and how will this force spring forth? When Thou findest the instrument ready.
Oh, the sweetness of Thy calm assurance, the power of Thy Peace! . . .
Ref: Prayers and Meditations