Letters on Yoga – IV

Sri Aurobindo

Fatigue in the Course of Sadhana

(1) It may come from receiving more than the physical is ready to assimilate. The cure is then a quiet rest in conscious immobility receiving the […]
Sri Aurobindo

Quarrels and Jealousy

I do not see why you make such a big difference between the quarrels and jealousy over other women and quarrels and jealousy over other attractions […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram


One has not to cure oneself of one’s sensitiveness, but only acquire the power to rise to a higher consciousness taking such disenchantments as a sort […]
Sri Aurobindo

A Good Instrument But a Bad Master

The human vital is almost always of that nature [full of desires and fancies], but that is no reason why one should accept it as an […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Getting rid of Ego

Everybody has the ego and it is impossible to get rid of it altogether except by two things—the opening of the psychic within and the descent […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

A Good Instrument But a Bad Master

The human vital is almost always of that nature [full of desires and fancies], but that is no reason why one should accept it as an […]
Sri Aurobindo

Happiness and Contentment

Happiness in the ordinary sense is a sunlit state of the vital with or without cause. Contentment is less than happiness—joy of peace or being free […]
Sri Aurobindo

Vital Reactions

A vital reaction means a response of the vital to the touch or pressure of an idea, action, event, person or thing. E.g. if someone speaks […]
Sri Aurobindo

Headache and Fatigue

The headache and the fatigue is always a sign that the consciousness no longer wants this outward-going thought and speech and is even physically strained by […]