Letters on Yoga – IV

Darshan Card 15 Aug 2019 Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Doing things by Mental Control

To do anything by mental control is always difficult, when what is attempted runs contrary to the trend of human nature or of the personal nature. […]
Sri Aurobindo

Vital Disturbances

The exacerbation of certain vital movements is a perfectly well-known phenomenon in Yoga and does not mean that one has degenerated, but only that one has […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Signs of freedom from Vital Attachment

If you are anxious for them [material possessions], that means that you have desire and are bound. Ananda is one thing and vital enjoyment is another. […]
Sri Aurobindo

Getting rid of random thoughts

To get rid of the random thoughts of the surface physical mind is not easy. It is sometimes done by a sudden miracle, as in my […]
Sri Aurobindo in his room

Meaning of Psychic Self Control

The psychic self-control that is desirable in these surroundings and in the midst of discussion would mean among other things: (1) Not to allow the impulse […]
Sri Aurobindo

Interest in outward things – Is it Wrong?

To be interested in outward things is not wrong in itself—it depends on the way in which one is interested. If it is done as part […]
Sri Aurobindo

How to make mind free?

What you perceive as suggestions or voices, are accepted and felt by people to be thoughts of their own mind. When one practises Yoga and observes […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Three things to shorten Difficulty

There are three things you can do to alleviate and shorten the difficulty: 1) Detach yourself from this vital-physical—observe it as something not yourself; reject it, […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Habbits of Physical and Vital Nature

The habits of the physical or the vital-physical nature are always the most difficult to change, because their action is automatic and not governed by the […]